where the primitive meets civilized

where the primitive meets civilized
naive and sentimental onlooker

dimanche 5 février 2012

Mission statement of Falakpema

This blog addresses the issues of appraising current trends, geo-political and economic, socio-cultural and multi-ethnic, even cosmopolitan and globally linked; through the prism of value systems developed over time in what is commonly known as Western civilization.

This value system can be summarized very simply IMO in the following terms :

1° As cardinal societal principle, the affirmation that all civilization, for it to be sustainable, hinges around the belief that "doing unto others as you would have them do unto you," stays the ethical bedrock of human cohabitation. This is GOLDEN RULE of collective living.

2° That for the individual to be true to a personal value system he must endeavor to do what we says he is in life. We are on a recurrent basis over time what we do. This is the SILVER RULE of individual's place in society.

3° Individual freedom, to stay compatible with collective equilibrium, must accept that man's freedom ends where another's freedom begins. If there is contention it must be resolved in Court of Law and not through violence. This is the BRONZE RULE in society; a state of law.

Based on these three cardinal principles of ethics, civilization is a recurrent process whereby successive generations redefine their impetus in terms of time honoured rules :

1° All progress is based on logic and reason. Where the individual is a free spirit. Not on value systems based on Creationist dogma or Divine rights of kings and popes, unquestionable vicars of deified persona.

2° Empirical observation and primacy of fact dictates reason and analytical logic. Nothing else counts. All reference to metaphysical phenomena are of secondary importance.

3° Man's individual free will then define his course of action based on reason and fact; discussion and debate with his fellow men will condition it, if the decision is collective and not individual.

These three ethical principles and three basic rules of methodology define the framework of my investigation. My voyage to the top of the torrid hill of life. I freely admit to this reductionist precondition. It is my value system. In itself it is obviously worth debating, but its my starting point, and my own compass.

I would love to share this experience with others. As man is not an island to himself.
His true voyage is to share; as love is ALL on the subjective, individual and existential level.
We stay mortals. Our secular beliefs limited to all relating to this world. Our minds and inner eye free to then wander in search of spiritual meanings of the enigma of existence.

But this remains eminently a dialogue between the individual and "God" or Mother Nature, to which collective reasoning and practical experience stay strangers.

Unless it is exercised as a collective belief by fellow travelers who recognize their particular adventure is not the domain of the political and social, but of the mystical and spiritual.

Render unto Caesar...what is secular and temporal.

My quest here stays secular and temporal, to be shared; not spiritual as that is very personal, even mysterious and thus inexplicable.

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