where the primitive meets civilized

where the primitive meets civilized
naive and sentimental onlooker

samedi 4 février 2012

the passion for ethics and fascination for historical analogy

Welcome all,

I start this blog-site with the intention of providing a backdrop to current events as they unfurl, based on value systems and historical parallels.

In this age of moral regression and ephemeral escape into virtually concocted media-illusion, we are now looking for new paradigm change, concrete solutions to ecological and social degradation and revival of human values; those that burn before our very eyes in Athens and elsewhere, where it all started in Western civilization. Reality now replaces fiction in all its brutality. Something the Powers that Be in the world cannot only not solve but seem to fan the flames of, in total contradiction with notion of collective good. The writing is now all too visible on the wall. It is time to question the premises of this New World Order of Oligarchs : the international 1%.

If you care about the western heritage in the universal framework of man's achievements and if you care about the future, join me in this quest. As tipping moments of societal change, like capitalist meltdown, paradigm of last half century since Pax Americana began, are the test of our true metal. We are what we do and what we say. Happy hunting, happy adventure in the quest for truth and social justice, that does not deny life, liberty and the pursuit of...

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